Yoga Nidra

Are you sleep deprived/exhausted/overwhelmed? Do you find it hard to think straight? Are you making poor decisions?Do you find it hard to switch off?

This might show up for you as - 

  • Insomnia

  • Low mood/Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Appetite changes

  • Feeling irritable/easily annoyed. 

  • Hormonal problems

  • Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight

  • Bloating

  • IBS

Does effortless relaxation sound like an appealing solution?

Yoga Nidra might be the practise for you. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation. If you have tried meditation but found it difficult to stop your thoughts and sit still then you may prefer Yoga Nidra as it effortlessly takes you to a place of rest where the breath balances and the mind quietens. 

In Yoga Nidra it is important that you are comfortable, wither lying down or in a supported seated position. There are no yoga stretches, only comfort and deep rest. 

Yoga Nidra means ‘yogic sleep’, you aren’t asleep or awake but in an in-between state where healing happens.  It is believed that an hour of practise is the equivalent of 4 hours of deep sleep. Science refers to it as non-sleep deep rest, (NSDR).

Yoga Nidra is subtle, gentle and easy & gentle it almost feels like nothing is happening but do not underestimate its power. 

This is a practice of surrender, healing and kindness to yourself.

Yoga Nidra is suitable for everyone, but if you find it difficult to switch off or if you struggle to let go, then this may be especially beneficial for you. 

I developed these classes for my patients, to reduce the number of in clinic sessions they need but they are open to everyone. If you’d like to join me you can book using the booking form below. A recording will be emailed 24 hours after the live and will be available for one week.