Feel better drop in appointment

This is for anyone that don’ts have a long standing health problem but would still like to feel better, or perhaps you are pro active in preventing health problems.  

It is possible to have just one of these sessions, one every few months or if you have a slight imbalance once a month for 2-3 months may be enough.  

Suitable if:

  • You are feeling stuck

  • You feel out of balance


  • History of viral infection

  • You invest in maintaining health

  • Low mood

  • Anxiety

  • Hormonal

  • Period pain but not extreme

  • Simple digestion issue

It involves a unique combination of NCA acupuncture and gua sha aimed to help you release, relax, reset. 

With NCA acupuncture I will palpate your abdomen to feel where your body is holing on to tension. This indicates to me where I place the needle(s). With the needle in place I will again palpate and you will no longer feel tension, giving you immediate feedback that the treatment is working.  

Body Gua Sha is applied to the back, shoulders & neck.

What does Gus Sea do?

Increases circulation patterns in the tissue

Releases obstructions in tissue.

Helps in the removal of local guest pathologies embedded within tissue.

Makes a change to the connective tissue bio-matrix

Restores motion to the tissue bed

Gua Sea research areas include:

• Insomnia

• Stiff neck

• Upper respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis 

• Headaches

• Gastrointestinal problems • Diarrhoea

• Digestive problems • Constipation

• Menopausal syndrome

• Depression

•SHA – PETECHIAE - Marks on the area treated.

  • Release obstructions within the tissue

  • Leakage of blood from the capillary bed

  • Only appears when obstruction is present 

  • Lasts 7-10 days

  • As the blood begins to lose oxygen, to changes colour to shades of blue or purple

Note that Gus Sha will leave bruise like marks over the area treated so is something you don’t want, this isn’t the treatment for you.  The marks should clear with 7-10 days, depending on the circulation of your body. They will begin to fade 2-3 days post treatment.