IVF fertilisation - the moment of conception

IVF fertilisation - the moment of conception

After years of dreading getting pregnant and doing all that you could to avoid conception, you now find yourself struggling to conceive. Or perhaps you have no problem conceiving but you miscarry. Some of you may had no problems conceiving your first and are now frustrated and confused as to why you can’t conceive your second baby, secondary infertility.

Some of you will be here after a failed assisted reproduction treatment such as IVF or ICSI, (or maybe a few). Either way you will all wonder why is it not happening, what is wrong and most importantly, what can we do.

Infertility is not the problem, it is the expression of the problem.

Medical fertility treatments focus on bringing the egg and sperm together and believe quantity of eggs increases the chance of a take home baby.  Chinese medicine treatments focus on the overall health of both parents and believe that the quality of egg and sperm increases the chance of a take home healthy baby. Sometimes, best results may be when both approaches are used.

So, where do you start?

For a healthy baby, just three things are required, a healthy egg, healthy sperm and a healthy womb.  In order to achieve these, we need to ensure optimum and efficient digestion, reduced stress, good blood flow to all organs in the body but especially the reproductive organs.  Of course the pathways must be clear so that the sperm can make its way to the egg and the embryo can make its way to the womb for implantation.

Much of this can be achieved with lifestyle and I don’t mean just giving up cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and coffee and taking a few supplements everyday. Instead understanding the physiology of your body and how to support it through simple daily habits. This is the focus of my Nurture to Health ebook. So although I do the acupuncture and prescribe the herbs, I expect my clients to do their part also.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas go to a deeper level, focusing on reducing stress and increasing blood flow, supporting the body as it slowly transitions to a healthier state. You will soon begin to notice changes, more restful sleep, reduced period pain and increased fertile mucus. Improved digestion and feeling more calm. Men should notice stronger erections.